
Switching from black board to online Teaching is kind of challenging to me because I love being in the classroom with my students and engaging them in discussion and hands on activities. During Online classes Students may grasp the main concepts of the unit, but if there is perceived doubt that they do not fully […]


It was quite difficult in reaching out to the students in the initial days of lockdown and as time progressed the students were made comfortable to the new online tools like Gsuite, Jamboard, Canvas App, Google meet and Edmodo. VEDIC training helped me to switch online learning and training with ease. The state of the […]


During the 3rd week of March, the first circular regarding the closure of college for fortnight made everyone surprised. Students were utterly disappointed as they were in the mood of celebrating Annual day ZealotZ-2020. During the first week of lockdown period, people were in panic as the virus started spreading globally. The quarantine and the […]