
“Lockup” is a word familiar to me through media and crime movies but I heard the word “Lockdown” for the first time only this year. Subsequently I came to know many other words such as pandemic, quarantine, outbreak etc. This covid-19 has really unsettled the world and taught us many new lessons and uncertainties of […]


It all happened so fast! In January there was just a news about “CORONA” and by the end of the month first case was reported in India, while we at BVRIT were so busy completing formalities related to NBA that every other news was felt as a temporary situation. But CORONA took over things which […]


There is a reason why humans are considered superior than other living beings, no matter how many downsides there are to human actions and behaviours – we are resilient creatures. We gain momentum amidst adverse conditions. We thrive through survival instincts. We have been subjected to pandemics and disasters for thousands of years before today, […]