After the baby boomers are almost faded and when most of the millennials are entangled in their career conundrums, here comes a set of GenerationZ leaders who are making a deep positive social impact with their philanthropic deeds. True to their initiatives, they call themselves ‘ALTRUISTS’. These young empathetic individuals are setting the right examples through their social endeavors like providing pure and safe drinking water to villages by installing RO plants, financial assistance through ‘save a coin’ program, facilitating scholarships for the poor but bright students, donating classroom infrastructure, etc. These ‘altruists’ are the real role models to anyone to emulate and their acts are truly inspiring. It’s always a pride to be associated with students of this genre in their holistic journey. I wish them all the best.
Mr Vivek (ECE – BVRIT N (2008-12)), Business / Network Technical Head @ NEC – Nippon Electric Company (Japan) & Founder and Team Lead, Altruists.
Chasing Smiles – BVRI’TITANS’